Oodalolly quilt top/jumping on the Granny Square bandwagon

Well, I finished my Oodalolly quilt top last week and I hadn't posted it yet because I DO NOT like it.
I don't hate it, and it's growing on me, but I really wish I had just used solids.  Rachel's quilt for the class turned out so beautiful so it has nothing to do with the quilt design or her instructions, I am just not super happy with this.

I had this stack of Loulouthi which is so bright and colorful that I thought that it might work well for this quilt, but  I'm not so sure about how it turned out.  I am going to quilt it this week so hopefully once it is quilted I will like it more.

I also ended up making the other final project for the class, the wheel quilt, but I still need to add the binding.

My latest project is the Granny Square quilt.  I kept seeing these pop up everywhere and I couldn't resist, so I am going to be using a Pick a Bunch layer cake.  I only have one block done so far, but my sister has been in town so I should be getting a few more done this week :)


  1. Awww, sorry that you don't love it. Hopefully it grows on you a bit more yet! I happen to think it's amazing. :)

  2. Oh, bummer. I'm sorry that you don't like it. But, well, I do. I liked it at first glance. Maybe all that piecing turned you off to it. I hope it does grow on you!

  3. I agree, it looks great. I like the added bits of printed fabric. It's amazing how different it can look when it's all quilted and bound. Be proud!
    p.s- love your blog name...had a chuckle over it. We all start and often end up there!


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