SMS Giveaway Day!

Welcome!  If you are visiting here for the first time, my name is Erica and I am happy that you took the time to stop by for Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!  I know you probably have about a zillion blogs to visit so I will keep it short and sweet.
 Up for grabs: A Riley Blake Wheels fat quarter bundle

How do you win?: Just leave me a comment telling me about what style of binding you like to use.  Do you like stripes? dots? solids? do you like the binding to blend in or stand out? Do you like a thinner or a thicker binding?  This is something I have been thinking about lately and I am curious what others think :)
I will choose a random winner on May 25th after 5pm.  I can ship internationally so everyone is welcome!

p.s. Make sure I have a way to contact you or you will not be eligible to win!

Edit:  The winner of the giveaway was number 514, Nancy Sue!


  1. Ooh.. I've never been the first one on these before.. does that mean I automatically won't win? ;)

    This line is so perfect! I have 3 nephews so ANYTHING vaguely boyish is good to clock :)

    I normally bind with solids, but then again, I've only finished 2 quilts!

  2. I either use the same fabric as the outer border or if I have a scrappy quilt, I love a scrappy binding. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. So fun! I'm really fond of stripes.

  4. Never made a quilt yet. Love this fabric.

  5. I often use strips and sometimes I cut it on the bias, so the strips go diagonal. But I also use dots or in fact any other fabric which goes with the quilt. Thanks for a lovely give away.

  6. It really depends on the quilt! My favorite binding has been the scrappy one I made on a quilt that was mostly white. Love it!

  7. I like both stripes and dots... I guess you could say fun binding :) And I prefer working with wide

  8. I love scrappy binding. It makes the quilt so much fun. And I like stripes and dots as well. I don't normally blend my binding in so ... I guess I like it to stand out...

  9. I like my binding thin, and I typically pick a color way that matches something in the quilt but stands out a bit -- i'm a hand binder all the way :)

  10. I like to use either dots or stripes. I cut about 2.25 or 2.5 inches wide and make a double French binding. I like the binding to complement without standing out "too much". Thanks for chance to win!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway. Lately I seem to do a lot of scrappy bindings using the same fabrics I used in the quilt top, and I cut at 2.5" because if there are leftovers they are easier to use in other projects as that size.

  12. These colours are a little outside of my comfort zone but I like to 'digress' every now and then otherwise things start to look a bit 'samey'.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. Man... it really depends on the quilt. Sometimes a solid is needed to "calm" things down, but I just cannot resist a striped binding 99% of the time!

  14. Binding. Traditionally I have used solids but I like the binding to pop and using a print with a bright color can really make the quilt sing. Thanks:)

  15. I love all sorts of binding as long as it's small scale. I use 2.5 inch binding. I love when it stands out from the quilt. Wheels is my all time favorite fabric because I have 2 boys it is the best boys line.

  16. For me, it depends on the quilt. The last couple needed a solid. My favorite is a stripe binding, though.

  17. I like them all depending on the quilt. I've done stripes, dots and solids for bindings. I'd have to say that my favourite for quilts is a solid that ties in with one of the colours in the top. But when I make bias binding for bibs, change pads, etc I like to use something wild! :-) Nice giveaway!

  18. i have a fabric i call the magic fabric...i use it for binding is stripes

  19. I love using solids and tonals and i use 2.5" binding strips! I like the way the solids 'stand' out a bit. IT really depends on what the quilt asks for really...

    Such a fab giveaway!!! Thank you :-)

    leftcoaster at gmail dot com

  20. Oh my gracious that is a fantastic bundle of fabric!
    I'm a stripy binder, and I prefer a fairly slim, snug binding. I like my bindings to stand out a bit, to act as a frame for the quilt, rather than blending in. And I'm hoarding a meter of FMF seedlings because I think it's going to make a gorgeous binding on something, someday !

  21. I love love love those fabrics! I like to bind with a small print that is not in the quilt usually! But it all depends sometime it gets changed at the last minute. I like it to match some how though.

  22. I usually use small scale prints or solids for binding. It really depends on the project. I loved the Wheels collection long ago. I am expecting a little boy in September and it would be perfect! :)

  23. Oh no! I don't quilt so I know nothing about binding (I use all the fun fabrics to make stuffed toys and other creations).

    Hope that doesn't disqualify me ;)

  24. i almost always use solids. i try to branch out but solids are my favorite. i've also recently switched to cutting 2.25" strips (used to do 2.5) i like the narrower binding better. thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Depends on the project, but I usually use solid. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. I like dotted bindings, but I've also started to like a plain solid binding. Seems easier to blend with the colours of the top and backing if a solid is used.

  27. This is fabulous!!! Thanx for a chance to win. Lately, I am all about polkadots, the dottier the better :-)

  28. i really like stripes and polka dots for bindings.

  29. I try to coordinate my binding with the front of the quilt if I can, using a print or leftover pieces. I like to cut it about 2.5" because if it's too small, I'll have issues sewing it down.

    Thanks for a chance to win that lovely bundle!

  30. Stripes and polka dots are favorites of mine!

  31. I like a little contrast in my binding because I think it makes the insides pop. I cut mine 2.5 because I always have issues with the 2.25 being a tad bit too small.

  32. wow, such a great giveaway! I either use a scrap binding or a binding that coordinates with the quilt but still stands out a bit. I tend to cut mine 3", I like it wide.

  33. I like my binding to stand out but if I use lots of colors in the quilt, then I choose a solid color for the binding.

  34. Choosing a binding is so tricky sometimes! I love striped bindings and dotty bindings, though I admit to taking the easy way out and using solids quite a bit, too. I generally like a narrow binding and cut mine at 2.25".

  35. I love a narrow binding - almost all of the time I use a 2" double fold binding. If it's a project that uses lots of fabrics I like to use up what's left with a scrappy binding; if it's only using a few fabrics, a single fabric binding is great.

  36. I've never done binding before! But I think it depends on the quit itself. I can't wait to get into quilting enough, that I have a stronger opinion on this! Heh.

  37. I love stripes, especially bright ones!

  38. I've always done solid bindings that match or blend with the quilt...but I'm inspired by the brights and stripes I see on blogs...maybe soon.

  39. I almost always use a solid, or a very subtle print. I like it when the binding is a subtle detail rather than a bright standout that pulls your eye away from the rest of the quilt.

  40. I love to use stripes for binding and a thinner binding.

  41. I like graph paper fabric or small prints!

  42. I have only made 2 complete quilts, but I seem to like polka dots!

  43. I like to use dots or stripes for binding, and I like for it to blend but also stand out a bit.

  44. I like thin binding, and it's usually a stripe or a solid. I like using a random solid from the top that's not a main color as the binding.

  45. I always use a Solid to bind the quilts I make to compliment the fabric :D Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

  46. I have only made one quilt, and it was a scrappy binding. I machine quilted the whole thing, but didn't use a thread that blended, and it looks like I had a few cocktails before! I cut the strips to 2.5 inches, I like the thinner binding :)

  47. Thank you for this giveaway! I like a bit thinner binding, and recently I've been looking at Rita's stripes ( Red pepper quilts) for binding, and have decided that I will go for that next time!

  48. I like dots for bindings! It;s probably my all time favorite!

  49. I love thick, bright binding. I like it to stand out, but match.

  50. I depends on the quilt. If I have used a very busy pattern for the border, I like to choose something simple for the binding - a blender without a lot of pattern - to give your eyes a rest. If the border is not that busy, then I like to choose something that really contrasts and will stand out and frame up the quilt.

  51. I love solid colored bindings...usually because I use a lot of print fabrics.

  52. It would depend on the quilt, but I like dots in general :D

  53. thank you for the chance to win. I battle over my binding every time. I really just go with something that I think might look good!

  54. I love striped fabric cut on the bias for a binding. I guess I prefer slightly thicker binding.

  55. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, I love this line!

    I like to do a straight-cut binding, 1/2 inch double-folded, and love to use a complementary color or print that contrasts with the quilt so it's noticeable but still meshes well with the overall color scheme. I have used stripes, dots and solids, as well as really bold and large prints before. I'm not sure which is my favorite. :)

  56. I use straight binding, cut 2 1/2 inches wide. I like strips or dots for my binding. I love the way a hand-bound quilt looks, but lately due to time constraints as well as increased durability when my kids cart them around, I've been binding by machine -- stitching onto the back of the quilt and then topstitching on the front. BTW, my son has been asking me to get some more of the Wheels line so I can make HIM a quilt out of it. I've made several and given them away as baby gifts.

  57. I love dots with a thicker binding.

  58. I have only made two quilts, and I used stripes to bind both. One blends, the other stands out. I love them both.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. I tend to go for thicker binding, mostly because I'm terrible at sewing it on and this leaves more room for error! I pick something that either coordinates or contrasts, usually a solid. I definitely machine-sew it on with a zigzag stitch. Thank you for the chance to win such a generous giveaway!

  60. I like a plain, solid binding. Especially in dark brown or any other coordinating but dark color.

  61. I wanted to bind my first (and only, thus far) quilt using scraps from all the squares, something pretty thin, but I didn't have enough so I ended up doing a wide ribbon binding. It looked nice! I bind by hand, but that's mostly cuz I have a love-hate relationship with my machine.

  62. I've never quilted so I don't know about binding but I do know these'd be awesome for my boys!!!!

  63. I like the binding to stand out and blend at the same time. It needs to complement the quilt, but I like it to show up a little bit on it's own.

    Such a lovely bundle. Thanks for sharing!!

  64. I use the standard 2.25" wide binding and typically go with something from the quilt top itself so it does not stand out too much (afterall, it's about the top, not the edges).

    Love this fabric!!!

  65. I seem to like a darker binding, and make mine about 2.5". Just learned a new technique to machine quilt it that turns out perfectly - it's like a heaven-sent gift for me, so easy, quick and looks absolutely perfect. Thanks for the nice giveaway.

  66. I like patterned binding that compliments my project.

  67. I like stripes and polka dot binding in a coordinating color. I also do 2.5" strips for binding. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  68. I like my binding to be very bland, but matching. Thanks for the giveaway!

  69. I really like stripes or something that will add a bit of interest without distracting from the body of the quilt. I cut my strips at 2.5"

  70. I generally have my bindings stand out. Whether they are thick or thin depends on how the quilt looks. thanks

  71. I tend to like dots for binding, but I recently used a solid and like it, too!

  72. Oh! Oh! Pick me, pick me! (in Dory's voice). I really like this fabric line and once spent far too much time online looking for a set of it! Cant believe you had it all along ;). I tend to make bindings with stripes or solids. I want to try more dots. I was cutting strips 2.5 inches but find when I cut 2.25 and then sew it on at my normal 1/4 inch seam allowance, it is the same width front and back when finished. My 2.5 inch bindings tended to look wider on the back.

  73. With fun, bright fabric like this, I like the binding to stand out--stripes or polka dots are always fun!

  74. I like the binding to stand out and frame the quilt. Sometimes that means it is striped other times just a solid bright. I have also done large pokas which I loved. I usually do 2 inch wide binding strips so not to thin. :)

  75. This is one of my favorite fabric lines!!

    I like the binding to stand out. Stripes look awesome and I use dots some, too. Or, even a bright bold color.


  76. I haven't bound anything larger than a mug rug, but I used a solid. I like how it ties in and blends in and doesn't take away from the patterns. I'd probably also use a small color and white print if it was small.

  77. I'm not much of a quilter, so I can't help much with binding. I think I would go with a solid and do it thicker.

  78. Hi Erica, I'm erica. :) I like thin bindings. I'm especially drawn to striped fabric ones, and ones where they pieced several colors together, though I've never actually done it myself... (Mostly because I never finish anything! ;D)

  79. I like a narrow binding, double fold, stitched down by hand on the back. Stripes, dots, prints, solids -- I've used them all at one time or another. If the quilt has a border I sometimes match the binding to the border and sometimes not. I'm not a fan of very light colored bindings, mostly because I think they will end up dirty.

  80. Wow! I think this giveaway is one of the best!!!!! As far as binding goes, I like it to match....not completely stand out from the rest of the fabric but not completely blend in either! Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. I love spots for binding, and I make it quite thick as I'm not very good at it ;)

  82. Hello from Minnesota! I'm attracted to bindings that are noticeable so a little wider and multicolored. I actually really like the ones that suddenly introduce a whole different fabric for one part.

  83. I like a thinner binding. As to solids, print, stripe, etc - it depends on the quilt. I have probably used solids the most but that is mostly because I don't have a bias tape maker.

  84. i like a thinner but mostly dots are small stripes

  85. I make a wide border for my bindings. Then when I finish my quilting, I can fold that over, to the back and I hand stitch it to the backing. I tend to go with black a lot, I do a lot of prim, and I also like contrast, so it goes well with a lot of colors.


  86. I use either solid or print, so any fabric that will match the project. normasclay(at)yahho(dot)com

  87. I love a wide binding that really pops. But my style has always been called eccentric.

  88. I like striped wide binding that stands out.

  89. Usually I'll use either the same as the outside border, or another fabric from whatever I've put in the quilt.

  90. I love stripe binding. I think I am addicted to it!

  91. I really like a solid binding- I think it frames the quilt nicely!

  92. I usually just fold oveer the backing and bind that (I know, cheating), But I guess it depends on the quilt.

  93. I like a thinner binding that stands out but still has a color that coordinates with the fabrics I have used in the project.

  94. STRIPES!!! i LOVE striped binding!!! thanks for the giveaway!

  95. I like thinning binding..probably dots are best. thanks for the wonderful giveaway (this is exactly what I want to use in my boys' room...I have 3 boys)

  96. I usually make a 2.5 inch strip and do a double folded (aka "French") binding on my quilts. I usually try to choose a binding fabric that frames the quilt.

  97. I use 2.5 strip and sometimes match border and sometimes contrast. I do all my binding by machine though. I dislike sewing it down by hand.

  98. Stripes, and thin.

    rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

  99. Hmmm depends on teh quilt. Love dots - they go with most things and stripes are good too but shouldn't draw attention away fom quilt top. Scrappy is fun and helps unify a quilt and plain is plain but very useful :) Great giveaway!

  100. I like binding to stand out. And stripes are so cute!

  101. Ooo... I'm a new quilter but I've been tending toward thicker binding that stands out.

  102. I like stripes because they look so cute on the bias. I did one quilt with a pieced binding, with pieces left over from the main part of the quilt. I usually do a complementary look, but blending is nice, too. Just depends on the look you're going for.

  103. Oh I would love to win this! I usually do a tame binding with a small print. It doesn't really blend it but it doesn't stick out either. I'm loving the stripes lately though.

  104. I like stripes. And I like when they coordinate but stand out a bit. :D

  105. Thank you for the lovely prize you have for
    I like a binding that stands out usually; but sometimes it just depends on the quilt.

  106. I am partial to single fold binding even though double fold is a little less pressing. I typically use 2 1/4" and I do like mine to standout too.

  107. Recently i received a swap with blended binding and it is definitely my new love...hands down!

  108. I use 2 1/2" stripes to make my binding so it's not too large but not too tiny either. I fold it in half, sew it to the back and then machine sew it to the front. I love the look of it and I'm getting better !
    As for the fabric I use, it really depends on the quilt top. If it's really busy, I'll use a solid (that I used in the quilt, or at least, I try too). I like when it stands out though !

  109. A tendency to go for solids!

  110. I like binding with solids and try make it a blender rather than a stander outer. :)

  111. Love this fabric!!! Ummm...binding and I are not friends yet. haha I like to notice the binding wouldn't say I like it to stand out. I like stripes for binding...then it can blend in by the colors but stand out because they change so often. I also like thinner binding but not too thin. Thanks for the chance to win!

  112. I like stripes for medium-sized binding... something that doesn't blend in too much but is just a nice finishing touch that emphasizes a main detail in the quilt!

  113. Oh my goodness! I've not seen that fabric yet! It's DARLING! I like small stripes on a small binding - and always hand-sewn! Thanks so much!

  114. Wow! Love this collection and thank you for the giveaway!

    I like it when the binding is an established part of the quilt, thoughtfully framing the work.

  115. I don't prefer a specific type of binding fabric. I like my binding to coordinate with the quilt top so it doesn't detract from the from the quilt.

  116. I love using polka dot binding. (I'm kinda crushing on polka dots right now!) And, I just LOVE this fabric you're giving away. It's so hard to find super-cute fabric for boys, and this is one of the cutest I've seen! Thanks for the chance to win it!!!

  117. i especially like when the binding stands out. i love to frame my quilts with a nice strong binding finish. for bed size quiltes i start with 2.5 inch strips, but if its a bit smaller i will use 2.25 inch strips. strips and dots always make for such a fun binding, but i like to go with an strong color. what a great questions...ill need to read thru your answers!

  118. I don't have a favorite binding - I like to use what feel works best for the quilt. I always machine sew the front and handsew the back of the binding.

  119. I like scrappy binding or something with a bold print

  120. I like the binding to frame the entire design so sometimes this is a stripe, or a scrappy mix or an almost solid color. It really depends. I sew on the front, flip and press and stitch in the ditch to secure it.

  121. I like thin, solid binding as a rule but I'm willing to change! hehe. Thanks for the chance to win!

  122. I love a thin binding. Dots and stripes are wonderful but I always like to throw in a small section of contrast for interest

  123. I like small prints or the grunge fabric from basic grey- it's almost solid. LOVE basic grey.

  124. I like all bindings, but I have recently come up with a method for machine binding, that is working out pretty well. I may have to do a tutorial on it at some point.

  125. I prefer plain bindings which complement the patterned fabric used in the main part of the quilt.

  126. I prefer a thin binding that does not blend, but rather frames my quilt, not necessarily contrasting though. I do not like plain fabric for binding. Love stripes.

  127. i think it depends on the project, but i'm drawn to wider bindings in plain fabrics.

  128. I like my bindings to coordinate with my quilt. I do not usually use solid bindings. I also like them a little wider.

  129. I like my bindings to be thicker, to stand out and usually they are in dots

  130. I like the look of a patterned binding, but I usually use solids. I like mine thick too to create a nice border. Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. I love spots for a binding. Spot spot spots. I like the look of a thin binding, but usually do mine a bit thicker because it gives me more wiggle room. Beautiful give away.

  132. I think the binding should compliment the quilt and at the same time stand out a bit. I think the width of the binding depends on the quilt and the fabric.

  133. I love stripes and I refuse to hand bind it, I always use my machine.

  134. I have tried many ways to bind depending on the quilt. If it is a child's or scrappy then the stripe-ier or dottier the better. I have been lately just trimming the backing to 1-1.5" from the edge of quilt, and folding it over (twice) to the front and hand sewing to create the binding.

  135. I love dots for binding. the fabric doesn't have to be perfectly straight and it can add so much character.

  136. I like dots for binding - scrappy binding, too. Usually make mine around 2.25 inches thick.

  137. On many of my quilts I've made a composite binding of strips of fabric from the actual quilt itself. This has the disadvantage of rarely being a bias cut, but it often ties together all the colors in the quilt nicely.

    I never use store-bought binding for my quilts, I always cut it myself because I can never find pre-made bindings in exactly the right color or design I am looking for. I always hand sew it on the back, mainly because I really enjoy that portion of making the quilt.

  138. Oh yes please. These are a wonderful group of fabrics. Several of them I have used (and used up) so a re-stash would be very welcome. Thankyou for the chance. I have recently bound three quilts with the same fabric. A bright orange and pink stripe. I have made the stripe run 'across' not down and it's worked a treat. The sign of a versatile fabric when it has worked for three very different quilts.

  139. It depends on the quilt. Sometimes I want one to just blend into the outer border. Other times I want it to act like a frame. I prefer thin binding for a wall hanging, but thicker for a quilt that is going to get used.

  140. Oh what yummy fabric! I have done bindings all different. I think it depends on the quilt. I have done scrappy, solids, stripes and dots. I usually however do my binding the same way each time and that's using a 2 1/2" strip of fabric, ironed lengthwise and sewn on by machine. I then wrap it over and hand sew it down. The technique doesn't change, just the fabric. hehe.

    Thank you so much for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  141. I usually only bind with solids, but love the look of polka dots and stripes, so I do want to experiment a bit!

  142. I am so not an expert to do bindings,
    I would take anything if it turns out nicely.

    Perhaps I love stripes most . Or a scrap binding.


  143. I prefer thinner binding and I love to use stripes. I like polka dots, but sometimes they don't work well for me as binding; stripes are more reliable. Whether I make the binding blend or stands out depends on each quilt.

  144. I like binding on the bias, though straight when using stripes. Wider on quilts without a border:)
    Thank you for making the giveaway open to internationals xx

  145. I have never yet completed a quilt, so I don't know what kind of binding I like, lol. :) This bundle is lovely!

  146. I just find any old material that co-ordinates and make it from that

  147. Stripes especially cut on bias.

  148. I usually sew my bindings by hand I just haven't mastered it on the machine yet and it gives me something to do while watching tv with DH. I usually use a solid for the bindings. Thanks for the chance to win this cute fabric

  149. I'm fond of stripes, dots or anything that really stands out. And I prefer a thinner binding than a wider one. Although I must confess that I have only made two baby quilts and I've used solid for the binding.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  150. I think solids is the best, especially is the quilt has a lot of different colours and prints :)
    mamagwenn (at) yahoo (dot) com

  151. I love sripey and polka dot bindings.

  152. i use binding on dresses so something that goes with the main frock fabric!

  153. Terrific giveaway - love the fabrics. I usually cut my binding strips at 2-1/4" - double fold. But if I'm making a place mat or mugrug, I use a single fold so it lays flatter. The fabric I choose depends on the fabric I've used in the item. Sometimes I want a definite frame & sometimes I want it to blend. Thanks for the chance to win.

  154. I don't have a preference for print or solid, but I like a thick binding that stands out (in a good way!).

    Thanks for the chance.

  155. It depends on what I'm using for a main fabric, and what it is I'm sewing! It can be fun to contrast binding, but sometimes I like it to blend in so the main fabric stands out. Thanks for the chance to win!

  156. I love thos fabric - I have used it many times. i have always used plain binding but think it is time to branch out - dots and stripes sound good.

    sewsuzie at live dot com dot au

  157. I think striped binding looks really good and always attached by machine, I don't have the patience for hand sewing!

  158. wowsers..this is an amazing giveaway an i love it to just cut off what i use as the backing to be honest...i have made only a couple of quilts though so i am no

  159. I have yet to complete a quilt so I couldn't say. I do love polka dots though!

  160. Quilts are still on my to do list! I love the fabrics you are giving away, thank you.

  161. I really like binding with solids and to keep it pretty thin because I think it frames the quilt.

  162. I make binding with the leftover scraps from the quilt, uses up bit and pieces and gives it a scrappy feel.

  163. If I have a stripe, I'll use it. But binding is mostly an afterthought for me. And, how thick will depend on how much fabric I have, though I prefer 2.5" double fold.

  164. I like to bind with a small print, not too thick. I often make it the same as the borders on the quilt. Thanks for the giveaway--I'm having a boy this summer (after 5 girls!) so thsi is perfect!

  165. love these fabrics, especially the plaids! thanks for the giveaway! I usually make a thin binding that stands out from the boarder fabric. I love the look of stripes/plaids on the diagonal.

  166. I love dots and scrappy bindings :D sometimes I like to make it stand out, others blend in depending on the quilt :) x

  167. I love for the binding to contrast a bit, and I usually use solids because I like a thin binding and a print gets lost a little. Thanks so much for participating in Giveaway Day!

  168. I like scrappy bindings or bindings that are part of the fabric used in the quilt.

  169. I need those fabrics!!! Did a quilt for my nephew with them and would be great to do another one for his new brother! About binding... no favourites... it just depends on the quilt i guess.

  170. The binding depends on the quilt, but I typically go for a coordinating solid. I start with 2.5 inch strips.

  171. I did my first stripy binding on my last quilt, I was really surprised at how well it turned out, I was expecting disaster. Lesson learnt, must be braver! What's the worst that can happen!

  172. I like my binding about 2", and usually pick something to stand out but works with a colour already on the quilt. Usually a solid colour.

  173. I have just gotten into making my binding bright and standing out. I use to mostly use muted solids or something that would blend. I am trying more prints out!

  174. Thanks for the giveaway! I've only done 2 quilts and I did a corresponding color, with a small print.

  175. I'm still learning (on my 2cnd quilt) but I've been drawn to stripes so far. I hope it sticks since I've already started stashing them for future projects!

  176. Binding. I like this part of quilting because it means I'm almost done creating my quilt. I like any fabric that sets off my quilting and usually use something that will be about an inch wide. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  177. I am obsessed with Polka Dots on binding. I need to branch out :D Thanks for the great giveaway!

  178. I love polka dot binding so it stands out. I usually cut mine 2 1/2 inches. Thank you!

  179. I like solids in dark neutrals that sort of fade away. I especially like this for quilts I make for kids, so if (ha! when, more like) they're dragged around, the edges don't look so grimy.

  180. I like solids in a complimentary color to the quilt!

  181. I love scrappy and stripy bindings. And more narrow than wide, but it sort of depends on the size of the print in the binding.

    Love this fabric! I pinned a super cute carrying case/mat for toy cars that would be perfect with this! Thanks for the giveaway!

  182. Oh I have a little boy, this bundle would be perfect for something for him.
    I like binding that blends in, and thin. I've done dots before which was pretty cute!

  183. Stripes or dots are my favorite bindings and right now I am really loving black and white like Rita @ Red Pepper Quilts.

  184. Love stripes, but I've only used solids so far.

  185. I like my binding size to match the scale of the project. For a quilt I like it larger. I usually use a coordinated small scale print or dots. If that won't work out then I use a solid.

  186. I like a thinner binding, generally I cut it 2-2.25 inches. As for the fabric, depends on the quilt, what I have on hand and my mood...and who it is for! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  187. I prefer a wide binding and usually tend to lean towards contrasting colors or prints to create a framed effect.

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  188. I prefer a wider binding and I love love love solids of any variety.

  189. thick..and i like it to blend in more or less :)

  190. I love bindings with stripes or fun patterns! My favorite binding width is about 1/2 to 1" finished - I don't know if that counts as thin or thick :)

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  191. I use whatever fits with the project. I cheat and use pre cut packages of bias tape when I can get away with it. Shame on me.

  192. I like bindings with stripes cut on the bias and I love for it to stand out. I love to see the edges pop when the quilt is folded in my closet.

  193. I've never actually used binding before! I am working on my first quilt right now and I am thinking of using a Michael Miller fabric called "splat" which looks like splats of primary color paint on white fabric (the quilt is primary color solids and a fabric with Spot-the dog from the board books-on a white background). On coaster, pillows, rug mugs, etc I tend to not do any kind of binding at all! On the quilts I've gotten from my grandmas, a solid or a small subtle print seems to work the best.

  194. I love doing scrappy bindings and I always do machine attached bindings. I don't have the patience for tacking them down by hand :)

  195. I make my own binding from 2 1/2" strips and I love stripes or dots, anything that will add a touch of fun to the quilt. Yes I like it to stand out. Thanks.


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