wip wednesday

By finishing up my x and + quilt this week, I have now completed all of my works in progress!  So of course I had to start a new one.  I have been planning to make the Maple Leaf Rag pattern from Material Obsession 2, and this seems like the perfect time to get started because my scrap bins are overflowing all over the place.
x and + side view
I am starting by making all of the crazy-pieced kite shapes and so far I have made 35/128.  This quilt is going to be a long WIP so I have a ways to go :)  I am hoping to have all of the kite pieces made by this time next week and hopefully I will be able to notice my scrap bins shrinking!


  1. Congratulations on finishing all of your WIPs! That is impressive! I don't know that I'll ever be able to say that!

    Your X and + quilt is beautiful! Good luck finishing your kites this week. It will feel so good to use up all those scraps I'm sure!

  2. Wow, that maple leaf rag quilt is going to be amazing!

  3. I have managed to make one block for my + and x quilt. One silly block. That maple rag leaf quilt is amazing. Have you seen a finished one other than in the book? I haven't seen very many of them. I think it takes a ton of patience but it is on my quilting bucket list for sure.

  4. The maple leaf pattern is flagged in my copy of Material Obsession but I was too overwhelmed to to even contemplate starting it. Your bravery is inspiring. I look forward to checking back and seeing how your quilt is progressing.

  5. All your little kite pieces make me wish it were spring so I could go out and enjoy the sun and a picnic with friends. Beautifully done so far.

  6. beautiful quilt and those crazy kites are a great way to use up scraps. I love the name of your blog too. I quilt at the dining room table because I don't even have a kitchen table.

  7. I never knew it was possible to finish all your WIPs! You are officially my hero! Also, the quilting in your x & + quilt is perfect for those blocks. I am in the process of making one too and that might be the solution to my indecision on how to quilt it. Thank you!

  8. this will be a fantastic quilt. I've been thinking of making one too, maybe seeing your progress will be the right motivation for me. Thanks for sharing. Your projects are so beautiful, love seeing what you're up to.

  9. I love the quilting on the x and plus quilt - your maple leaf quilt will be stunning I'm sure.

  10. Such a pretty bunch of kites! And love that quilt. Perfect!

  11. pretty x and + quilt! You must have a lot of patience to make all of those scrappy kites but definitely a great scrap buster!

  12. oh I love your x and + quilt! Working on mine this weekend!

  13. I have made the Maple Leaf Rag quilt for my daughters 21 st . Loved that quilt but unfortunately it just seemed to add to my scrap bin and not shrink it ! Love your x& 0 quilt . That's on my list to do !


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