wip wednesday

Late Monday night we got home after spending a week in Utah visiting family.  I am tired.  I did absolutely no sewing while I was gone.  While I was gone I didn't have a computer, so I got hopelessly behind on reading blogs and responding to comments (sorry!).  But it was nice to have a little break.

I have been looking forward to getting my Maple Leaf Rag quilt basted, so that is what I did last night (no, I have not unpacked a single thing from my trip).
maple leaf rag quilt - just started hand quilting
And I started hand quilting.  It is going to take so very, very long, but I think I am going to enjoy it.  Hand quilting just feels like the right choice with this quilt.  Other than a couple of pillows and bags with a few lines of hand quilting, this is really my first experience so don't look too closely :)

In addition to this quilt, this week I need to . . .
  • get started on my April lucky stars block
  • make April do good stitches blocks
  • I may have to get started on a Marcelle Medallion quilt.  I won a copy of this magazine from Alison recently and it is calling my name!
linking up with WIP Wednesday


  1. It looks great so far. And maybe the hand stitching will speed up as you get going and feel more comfortable doing it. I think you're right though, it was the right choice for this quilt.

  2. I love the hand quilting. It adds such a wonderful touch to this incredible quilt.

  3. Very nice! I haven't been brave enough to attempt a whole quilt yet, either!

  4. Your quilt will look fantastic with the hand quilting!

  5. Your hand quilting looks great :)

  6. This is looking so great - it will be such a special quilt with all those memories, scraps, and hand quilting!

  7. I've yet to try hand quilting... someday, yours looks amazing!

  8. Yep. That quilt screams "hand quilt me!" Enjoy!

  9. That is going to be gorgeous!

  10. Oh that quilt is beautiful! The quilting looks great from here!


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