May blocks

I spent a little time during nap time today working on my May Lucky Stars block.
may lucky stars block
Despite having more pieces than the earlier blocks, it was fairly easy to put together.  The hardest part was figuring out which fabric corresponded to each number on the pattern.  Figuring that out gave me a bit of a headache, so I labeled mine in case anyone else was having trouble.
may lucky stars block help
Here are my blocks so far.
jan - may lucky stars blocks
I really look forward to having my turn to host in my Do Good Stitches circle and May is my month. I chose Rashida's Crazy Star block.  It's pretty quick to put together, and these 4 together make a nice big 20" block.  
wish circle may blocks

Tomorrow I will be participating in SMS giveaway day, so don't forget to come check out the giveaway!


  1. I think this is my favorite of your lucky stars!

  2. I love your crazy star :)

  3. That crazy star is so great!

  4. Love all your stars especially the top one!

  5. Your Lucky Star blocks are gorgeous!

  6. I love the colour palette you've chosen for those stars - beautiful

  7. Ooh, what a pretty block for your DGS group! Hadn't seen that one yet =)


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