single girl baby quilt

I finally put my Single Girl pattern to good use.  One of my friends is expecting a baby girl and I just had to make something for her.  She isn't due for several more weeks, but she is going to be in town next week (she lives on the other side of the country) and I wanted to be able to give it to her in person.

I had some small scraps from a quilt-that-I-can't-share yet (sorry, I hate not being able to share) and even though I desperately wanted to hoard them, they are really perfect for my friend.  Over the past couple weeks I have slowly been cutting out the Single Girl templates and then the fabrics so putting this quilt together over the holiday weekend went pretty quickly.
single girl baby quilt
I added a few prints and solids from my stash.  I ended up using the template for the inner arc to round my corners.  This is the first time I have tried rounded corners on a quilt and it went surprisingly smoothly.  I do wish that I had added a thin border to the sides, but it turned out that I wouldn't have had enough of the binding fabric so I'm okay with it.

My kids wanted to "test out the quilt" to "make sure that it works" so they had a little fun with it this afternoon.
single girl baby quilt
I quilted it with flowers (thanks to this tutorial) except for some reason I find it really hard to do that 5th petal so mine are more like butterflies.  
single girl quilt back
I backed the quilt with a pink minky dot.  This is the first time I have used a minky that I bought at Joann's and it seemed to have a little more stretch to it than what I've used in the past.  It wasn't too big of a pain, but it definitely took more care and caution.  The kids couldn't help but touch it.  I do like a minky backed quilt.
harper with the single girl quilt
They definitely put the quilt through some rigorous testing.  
jonah with the single girl quilt
Even Superman approved.
Several of my friends are having babies in the next few months so expect lots more baby quilts from me!


  1. Just beautiful! You can't go wrong with this pattern!

  2. It's darling, and I really like the pearl bracelet thrown in there. It's a nice splash of color.

  3. What a sweet quilt. Love the flower quilting and the snuggly backing.

  4. Just finished a quilt this weekend using minky for the fist time as well. The lady at the quilt shop told me to use basting spray, so I used that to attach the batting and then pinned the top through all three layers. Worked like a champ. Thanks for sharing your project!

  5. This is so gorgeous Erica! I love the quilting and the minky backing. Lots of my friends are having babies in the next few months too - all boys though. I have one pregnant friend who hasn't found out the gender of her baby yet (too early) and I'm hoping it is a girl because I am so ready to make a super sweet girly baby quilt.

  6. sweet quilt und wonderful photos

  7. Superman approved. HA! I love it!

    It's really a darling quilt and that Briar Rose fabric works perfectly.

  8. That is adorable! And I really love the quilting! Your kids sure look comfy in it!

  9. how pretty! Minkee backed is brave and delicious. I swore off minkee the one time I used it but... you make it look good again.

  10. Such a cute single girl! I love the minky back. Happy to have found your blog. I've seen the top right quilt in your header and love it!

  11. I love thge quilt design (it's on the list) and the fabric choices, just perfect! I hope you don't mind I've done a Lets Get Acq blog hop round up of what i "found" and loved in week one, and this quilt got included, i linked back to you, hope that's ok? :o)


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