finished princess quilt

After last week's WIP Wednesday post I spent some time arranging, rearranging, trimming, and scowling before I figured out a layout for the princess blocks I made last week.
princess quilt
If I were going to do something like this again I would definitely make a plan first.  I am still a little on the fence about how I feel about the finished product, but I do love the princess print.  
pretty princess
I quilted it with loops which is one of my favorites.  This shape comes more naturally to me than most FMQ designs and it is pretty quick.
princess quilt back
I backed the quilt with another print from Alexander Henry's Once Upon a Time.  I love this floral, probably even more than the princesses. This quilt is going to my cousin for her baby girl (she is naming her Aurora so I thought the princess theme was appropriate).  

Other WIPs: 
  • I am in the process of piecing May's do Good Stitches quilt top.  Our circle agreed to donate this one to Moore (particularly since a member of our circle lives there) so I need to finish it up before the June 30th deadline.

  • Postage stamp scrap quilt - All of the squares have been cut (all 1664 of them!).  Now I just need to sew them together :)


  1. I think the princess quilt is adorable - and for baby Aurora, how appropriate!

  2. I love the layout of the princess quilt.

  3. It is lovely, like pictures on a wall. I really like the layout.

  4. Your princess quilt turned out adorable. I also love the loopy quilting. It is one of my favorites!

  5. Oh, this is just so cute. Love that fabric and your blocks frame those little princesses so well! Nice job!!

  6. This is adorable, and I love the way you quilted it!

  7. Love the quilt, and the quilting is fab!

  8. I think it looks great! I love the FMQ. That's also one of my favorites.

    I vote no plan, but that's because I have no time to plan. Ok, I take that back. I feel like I'm always scheming new quilty plans while I watch my kids or play with them or make dinner. And then I end up with too many plans and thus too many WIPS. :-)

    Sometimes I like quilting with no plan.

  9. I think the layout is great. It looks like an art gallery. Your quilting looks great too.

  10. Love the princess quilt and the loop fmq

  11. Your princess quilt is gorgeous! I love it. And the loopy FMQ is perfect!

  12. I think your princesses came together beautifully!

  13. This is so fun! I think I know a few little "princesses" who would adore this quilt! Also I am also using postage stamp method for one of my quilts (although my squares are 2") so I feel your pain in cutting all those little guys out. Are you going to use an interfacing to hold them together and sew them more easily? I have to admit it makes the process so much easier!


  14. Seriously - you are unsure about that princess quilt?!?!?! I absolutely love it! Loops are my favorite FMQ too and the design that comes easiest to me.

  15. Woohoo - I think it looks great Erica! The loopy quilting makes it look all soft and snuggly and that backing print - sigh. So sweet! I'm sure mumma and baby will love it.

  16. Ahaha - I totally scowl and sometimes worry and fret until it all comes together - as your awesome quilt did. I am taken with the colours and the MOVEMENT that I see in your blocks - a gorgeous and happy quilt.

  17. Love the princess quilt! And the backing is perfect.

  18. I love how the Princess quilt turned out! Beautiful!!!!

  19. This is very sweet and your quilting is great!

  20. I think the quilt is gorgeous! Very cute for a little girl. When I think of Aurora I think of bright orange, yellow and pink colours so this fits too. Loops and stipples are about the only fmq that come naturally to me!

  21. Well, I'm not at all on the fence about your princess quilt! It's fantastic!

  22. I love the reminds me of a collage photo frame. Great job.

  23. No need to be on the fence about the layout- it is wonderful!

  24. Your quilt is lovely. Be kind to your creation and decisions as you quilt. Nicely done.

  25. I'm sticking to my guns. I really like the princess quilt colors. And for the layout - I like how you've "crowded" all the squares together like this. I think it's quite nice!

  26. 1664 squares woweeee!!! Go get 'em lol

    Pretty quilt:)

  27. Your princess quilt is lovely. I love the way you staggered the blocks and put just a little pink in between some of them.It reminds me of framed photos on a wall:)

  28. Your princess quilt did turn out lovely. I love doing loops too and find them more natural for me. Wow, a postage stamp quilt - good for you! Can't wait to see your progress.


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