The Staple Dress

I have been wanting to try April Rhodes' Staple Dress pattern since it first came out, but the only clothes that I have sewn have been for my daughter so I was a little intimidated.  I was also nervous about this pattern because I am quite tall (5'10"), my chest is on the larger side, and I am not as thin as I once was.

I used a voile print from Anna Maria Horner's Innocent Crush line.  It was a little slippery to work with, but it makes a nice light dress.  Though it does wrinkle quite a bit and is a little sheer.

Issues I had while making the pattern:

  • I bought the PDF version of the pattern which takes FOREVER to assemble.  
  • The neck facing and armhole facing are both made up of 3 paper pieces and I accidentally switched 2 of the pieces which made my neck facing too short and my armhole facing too long.  I was really confused until I figured out what I had done wrong.

The only change I made was to add 6 inches to the length.  I am tall and I like to wear dresses and skirts that are what I like to call "librarian length" which means just below the knee.  I thought that 6 inches would be too much and I would just hem the dress to the desired length when I was done, but it was just right.

The verdict: I like the dress with a sweater (I almost always wear cardigans with dresses anyway).  The pattern was pretty easy and very well written.
the staple dress
I like it a lot less without the cardigan, but it turned out better than I had expected.  
the staple dress
I think it is a little boxy in the shoulders for me and it gapes a little in the back.  I did 2 lines of shirring and did not change the placement of the shirring, but I might lower it a little if I make it again.  

If you are wondering about sizing, I fell in between the L and XL on the measurement chart and made the L.  The sizing is definitely a little big.  


  1. Those colors are so pretty on you! I do like it better with the sweater...I don't think the shoulder/neckline area is very flattering and the sweater gives it more definition. Overall it's a cute dress though!

  2. Really cute! Good for you for giving it a go!

  3. It looks great! I love the fabric you used. Was the voile difficult to sew with? I just bought some to make a tank and I'm a bit intimidated by its silkiness.

  4. "Librarian length." haha Love that! Cute dress. I think you did a great job.

  5. Great work! I think it looks lovely on you, and the fabric choice is perfect!

  6. I think it looks great! One more tick in the I should try this column :)

  7. Cute! The color is great and it will be a nice light summer dress to have. I always have trouble with elastic waists, they seem to ride up on me if they are not in the right place. I might give this little dress a try though, I need easy and it seems like it would fit the bill.

  8. It's really cute Erica, and I'm impressed that you gave it a go. Definitely like it better with the cardi over top, as I'm not sure the boxy shoulders would be totally my style either. I hope you get lots of wear out of it!

  9. Very cute. Love the vertical stripe.

  10. This dress looks fantastic on you! I love the fabric you chose. I just posted a washi dress and would like my next one to be voile but I'm not sure that I'm as brave as you yet! Seems slippery but I'm sure it's so soft to wear! I added about 6" to my washi too haha. Yay tall ladies!

  11. Love the fabric, and love the "librarian length". I'll have to remember that.

  12. Very, very nice dress! I'd say, make more, it is really flattering.

  13. I cannot believe you're so tall! The things you don't know when you're online friends. ;) Just so you know, I'm super short - barely 5'2! :)


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