
After many, many, many hours, I have finished quilting this queen sized quilt.  I quilted it with randomly spaced, straight-ish lines which is my favorite texture for a quilt.  But it takes forever.
Now I need to decide on a binding fabric.  I almost never buy more than a 1/2 yard of any given print and since I need 3/4 yard to bind this one my options are pretty limited.  Maybe I need to buy something new . . .

In addition to finishing this up I have been working on a new Moda Bakeshop project with April Showers from Bonnie and Camille (it is gorgeous!). Watch for that in early March.

And I have been reading.  I love to read, but I don't do it often because my other responsibilities get a little neglected.  The house gets messy, the kids watch too many movies, I forget to brush my hair.  It's not pretty.  But I have gone through a dozen or so books in the last couple weeks including a couple that I loved:
I'm not going to ruin the plots by give you any details, but they are both great.  Read them.

Someone needs to hide my Kindle from me.


  1. i absolutely love love love the colors/prints you used in this quilt!!

  2. I download audio books to my Kindle. That's the only way I manage to get any "reading" done.

    Love your quilt and the quilting.

  3. Your quilt looks fantastic! You could always do a scrappy binding, not that I'm discouraging shopping ;-) I love April showers so i look forward to seeing what you made!

  4. love the quilting on this! lovely ! like that it is not evenly spaced!

  5. I agree with straight line quilting giving the best texture and kids being neglected when good books are started :) Off to add these to my list!

  6. The quilting looks great! I love organic lines on a quilt. I vote buy something new for the binding ;-)

  7. oooh, this quilt looks amazing. Love your straight line quilting.

  8. That quilt looks like it's insanely beautiful. I cannot WAIT to see it finished.

  9. The Rosie Project - I just got that one from a friend who loved it, so nice to have another recommendation too!

    Congrats on the quilt, it'll be fabulous.

  10. Love love the quilt. LOVE it. I listened to Eleanor & Park as an audiobook while I quilted. That was a match made in heaven. I loved that book, and I still think about the characters - that doesn't happen that often to me.

  11. I've been reading a lot lately too when I should be doing other things - and I read and loved both of those books! I love the colors in that quilt - I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the finish.

  12. This quilt is absolutely beautiful. I'm all for finding the perfect fabric for a binding, but you also could piece fabric from your stash to make a pieced binding. You use fabrics from the quilt, or different neutrals, depending on the contrast you're going for. Regardless, I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  13. can't wait to see this finished quilt!

  14. the quilt looks nice, but a shot of the full quilt would be nice

  15. Yes, yes, yes! I loved Eleanor & Park!

  16. I would snap that quilt up in a second given the chance. Your work is so inspirational. Someday I hope to make a quilt in your style.

  17. Your quilt is so great! I like the straight quilting at different widths, will have to try it.

  18. Love the fabrics in this quilt! They're gorgeous!

    And I read The Rosie Project late last year! It's a fabulous book.

    Will have to look out Eleanor & Park and currently looking for a new book to read.

  19. I totally agree about the quilting...it takes forever. BUT it looks great!

  20. That's pretty funny- I just finidd Eleanor & Park, and just started The Rosie Project! Also, love the quilt, and 'straightish'.

  21. Beautiful quilt, and thanks for the book recommendations. I'm a reader too, but I'm the same way, nothing gets done when I'm reading. Right now, I've got my nose stuck in Longbourn.


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