WIP Wednesday

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments on my last post, I am already feeling more focused! I even cooked last night (from scratch, nothing frozen or from a can) which is something that I have not felt like doing in a long time.  An embarrassingly long time.  I think my children were shocked.

By the way, check out the pillows I made with the new Ann Kelle Boombox prints.  I LOVE the colors in these prints and they are so cute.
photo from here
And I have made some progress on my piles of projects:
I finished all of the blocks for my Scrappy X quilt.  I just need to put them together.
scrappy x blocks
Have you heard about the Radiant Orchid quilt challenge?  As soon as I saw it I knew I needed to participate, especially since purple is my favorite color.  I have been working on a very purple-y baby quilt for the past few days and now it just needs a binding.  Unfortunately my elbow is a little sore (darn those sewing injuries!) so I think I need to give it some time to rest before I get this one finished up.
radiant orchid challenge quilt progress
I did find a few minutes to put together my February do. Good Stitches blocks.  Stephanie chose the Quilty Cross block which was fast and fun to put together.
do good stitches quilty cross block
On the to do list:
  • 5 more Farmer's Wife Blocks for February.  I better do those soon!
  • Botanics quilt.  I don't know what I'm going to do, but it's going to happen.
  • New pillow for the couch.  I made one pillow now I need a second to match.
  • Finish other projects, clean the house, and finish unpacking.  Ha ha ha.  Just kidding.


  1. Looks like a nice lineup of projects Erica. Love the cross blocks.

  2. You have so much wonderful stuff going on! Best of luck with your radiant orchid challenge quilt.

  3. your triangle quilt is awesome! makes me realize I do want to put solids in mine. when I get around to it!

  4. Those melon-y reds/oranges are absolute perfection! What a beautiful, beautiful palette :)

  5. Stoppin by from WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

    This pillow is to much fun

  6. Gorgeous projects! I saw that boombox cushion on Pinterest I think!?!?


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