WIP Wednesday

It has been a while since I made a WIP Wednesday post.  Or mopped my floors.  Or got my car cleaned.  Instead I have been continuing my reading binge.  Just a couple days ago I was telling my husband that I have always read and read and read until I got to a book that made me really angry or upset and then I had to take a break.  I found that book yesterday: Allegiant.  Worst. Series. Ending. Ever.  There were lots of angry tears.

I did find some time to make some blocks for Alison's Soy Amado project.  If you have not heard about it, you can find out more info here.  She is asking for quilt-as-you-go blocks to make quilts for a children's home in Mexico City.  So these blocks will be making the journey from my house (40 minutes from the Mexico border) to Alison in the Channel Islands where they will be made into a quilt and then shipped to Netherlands where they will be sent back to Mexico.  It will be quite the journey!

Originally I had intended to franken-piece together some orphan blocks, but I wanted to make something bright and fun so I used some Ann Kelle Beatbox prints with Kona Cotton.  I love, love, love these prints.
Soy Amado Blocks
Last night I finished a quilt top for one of my new friends here in San Diego.  She is expecting her fifth boy (yes, you read that right) and they are BYU fans so I thought this would be a fun quilt for them.  Apparently I am on a pixel-kick lately.  
BYU Pixel Quilt
She is due very soon so I need to get this one finished up.

On the to do list:
  • Curtains.  It seems like I keep making curtains but there are always more to make.  
  • Farmer's Wife blocks.  I only made 5 last month so I have 15 to make this month.
  • More baby quilts.  I need to make at least 2 more for friends who are expecting in the next couple months.


  1. I have mixed feelings about Allegiant. I thought the very last scene was well done and I cried too. However "the big part" that makes everyone angry I don't agree with! Also I thought it could have been edited better. It dragged on and I just didn't know what was going on. That star quilt is so fresh and pretty!

  2. Well... the ending could have been better that's for sure! Your blocks are so cute! I love that material too, I just haven't found a project for it yet. And LOVE the Y, it's my alma mater (too bad they didn't last too long in march madness pfft)!

  3. Still debating if I should even bother reading Allegiant. I read the first two and then the reviews for it. If I would have read the reviews for Allegiant first I might have skipped the whole series.
    I love the star blocks! So bright and fun.

  4. Alison will be very chuffed with your gorgeous blocks! It does seem like a daft journey though doesn't it?

  5. That BYU quilt is so fun! I love it. And it makes me so happy to hear of others neglecting their floors and cars. I'd much rather quilt or read or surf blogs than mop or clean out my car when I have a spare minute.

  6. love your bright, happy blocks Erica. And that pixelated baby quilt is amazing.

  7. Your blocks for Alison's project are so beautiful!

  8. I love your BYU baby quilt! So cute!

  9. lots of nice things in the works here. =)
    go cougars! they will love that one I bet. which reminds me, a friend of mine is finally having a girl after 5 boys. she needs a baby quilt!!!! a very pink one.I am always behind on baby quilts. I tell myself I don't have to make them for every new baby, but I want to!

  10. I made one soyamando block quickly and mailed it off--even though Mexico is within cat throwing distance, haha. Your blocks turned out so nice! The pixel quilt is going nicely! Five boys though, hooo lawdy...

  11. I started Allegiant but couldn't get into it. Might need to reread the first two? But honestly life's far too short to waste precious time reading crap that you don't enjoy (vs.crap you do. Viz. Books 1 and 2 of that series)

    Love your Soy Amado blocks!

  12. The Soy Amado blocks are lovely! The beatbox prints are just fantastic.

  13. Loved your Soy Amado blocks. And your friend- fifth boy?? I had three girls but I don't know if I would have kept going after two boys. I just don't have that kind of energy.

  14. Love the BYU pixelation! Such great contrast there, I'm sure it will be loved to death!

  15. Love the BYU pixelation! Such great contrast there, I'm sure it will be loved to death!

  16. So I couldn't help but smile about the journey those blocks are going to take to make it to their final destination in Mexico :) They're really truly beautiful, though, and I can't wait to see what Alison pairs them with!

  17. Amen to the Allegiant. I was so mad I may or may not have thrown the book. I seriously adore that BYU quilt. I too went there and may need to make myself one of these. Navy and white are my favorite colors too so it's a double bonus!


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