WIP Wednesday

Things have been a little slow around here.  In addition to end of year school activities and trying to refinance our house, we had my husband's sister and her family staying with us for a few days and very little sewing has happened.

My main project right now is making a baby quilt for one of my best friends in the world.  Her baby was born earlier this year and I made this quilt for her, but it did not feel like the right quilt for her so I am starting over.

I struggled with what to make and finally settled on a quilt of mini swoon blocks.  It has been quite time consuming, but I think that the end result will be worth it.  I am currently trimming a zillion HSTs down to 1.5".
 I am also participating in the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap.  The deadline on this one is approaching quickly and I haven't even started, so I pulled a quick pile of fabric and scraps earlier today an an effort to jump start things. I will probably use few (or none) of these but at least I got started.

Part of the problem is that my partner gave me very little direction and said that she would like whatever I made.  Which is great, but it also left me feeling a little lost. But it will get done.

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Your mini swoon block looks very sweet! don't ya just love those HST's ?!? L

  2. your mini swoon is to die for, just the cutest

  3. Your Swoon blocks are lovely. I hate it when swap partners don't comment on fabric pull, or questions.

  4. Adorable little block! This quilt is going to be really cute..but I really liked the first one also.

  5. Gosh, how many tiny blocks are you gonna need?

  6. Love that swoon block. I never cease to be amazed at how well Pearl Bracelets seem to work in just everything.

  7. I love that mini swoon! So cute!

  8. You'll come up with something fantastic for the swap. No doubt. And your mini swoon is adorable! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  9. Your mini Swoon block is really nice! A quilt of those is going to be awesome. :-)

  10. the mini swoon block is cute but I feel you on the direction to go in the swap. My partner did give info but its different from what I like and how I see things so its hard for me to gauge what I was doing ya know? :) I ended up going with something that is me in a way I think she would like!

  11. What a sweet little block! I don't participate in swaps...too much pressure for me! But I've sure enjoyed seeing all of the projects popping up, especially on IG.

  12. It may be time consuming, but man o man is it cute!!! Love it a zillion times over:)

  13. Erica these are just sooo adorable! They really make me want to try my hand at some swoon blocks. Yeah, I want to know, how many are you making???

    Also I know that feeling of not having enough information about a swap partner. It's really frustrating and it makes it hard to get motivated. It's part of the reason I've cut back heavily on swaps this year (but the schnitzel and boo one does look fun!). Good luck, and I say, make something that you like, at least you'll have some fun that way.

  14. Cute block! I'm sure you will find a home for the first quilt

  15. Loving the mini swoon! I just finished one myself, but your fabric choices are amazing!!

  16. I love Riley Blake's small dots. Thank you.

  17. These are perfect!!! My friends and I were just talking about making mini swoons before I read this post, now I absolutely must do it :)


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