finished scrappy kaleidoscope quilt (with downloadable templates)

I have now updated the tutorial and templates and they can be downloaded for free in my shop.

I spent the last few days finishing up this quilt for my sister Carly.  This was the last in a series of scrap quilts for my sisters (and Mom).  You can find the other scrap quilts:
scrappy kaleidoscope quilt

My sister lives in Utah in a basement apartment and it gets cold, so I wanted to make sure this quilt was extra warm.  The backing fabric is a pretty, tiny black and white herringbone Robert Kaufman Shetland flannel.  It is thick and warm and gives the quilt a nice weight.

I used Quilter's Dream wool batting and it was wonderful to work with.  I have only used wool batting one other time and I can't remember which brand it was, but the Quilter's Dream was much easier to use.  If you have never used wool batting, Debbie recently made a very informative post that is definitely worth checking out.

As you can see in the photo above, the seam on the back is kind of noticeable.  The flannel didn't appear to have a right or wrong side and I think I must have used one of each.  It isn't nearly this noticeable in person though and both sides feel just as snuggly.

scrappy kaleidoscope quilt backing

The quilt top ended up with lots of Ann Kelle prints and I decided up using one of her new Remix stripe prints for the binding.  I quilted it with an "organic" cross hatch which basically means that I didn't mark the lines ahead of time and they definitely weave and wobble a little.  But I love how dense they are and how defined the lofty wool batting makes them.

scrappy kaleidoscope quilt

This is the second kaleidoscope quilt I have made.  The first was with do. Good Stitches more than two years ago.  I wanted to use smaller blocks for my quilt so that I would be able to use smaller scrap pieces.  I made the block in EQ7 and printed out the templates which you can download here updated link (this makes an 8" finished block).  

In other news, I celebrated my 31st birthday yesterday and it was probably the best birthday I have ever had (I am currently eating leftover chocolate caramel cheesecake).  We didn't do anything spectacular, but my family gave me the sweetest notes and I got to spend all day with them and then go to dinner and a movie with my husband.  I am so grateful for these guys!

my family


  1. I have the cutest neice and nephew!! #3 has a lot to live up to, or some great examples to follow, either way. Oh yeah, the quilt looks good too, :-)

  2. What a great scrap quilt. Very effective pattern.
    Lovely family too

  3. Beautiful quilt! Beautiful family! Love the spirit and energy in your son's expression!

    Thanks for the templates. This quilt pattern is one my bucket list!

  4. I love your quilt and especially the backing. Happy belated birthday, glad you had a lovely time :)

  5. I love your quilt and especially the backing. Happy belated birthday, glad you had a lovely time :)

  6. What an amazing pattern!Great work!

  7. Happy Birthday! Glad it was such a great one. And love your quilt! It looks just terrific all scrappy!

  8. Your quilt turned out beautifully. Love the quilting! Nothing better than a scrappy, warm quilt.

  9. Great quilt, I love the colour scheme.
    Happy birthday.

  10. That is so beautiful Erica! You can just never, ever go wrong with a scrappy quilt, there is just something special about them. And Happy Birthday!

  11. Happy belated birthday.Great pic and tfhe quilt is awesome.This pattern is in my to do list!

  12. Beautiful quilt, and it looks super warm and snuggly, too!

  13. Now that you´ve had the best birthday, I´m wishing you all the good spirit to last you and your wonderful family throughout the rest of the year, Erica!
    I love your modern combo of fabric colors and styles, simple twist on traditional patterns...simply fresh and lovely. Thank you for sharing your work and pics with us quilters all over the world, and hugs from Germany! Bobbi

  14. Happy Birthday! What a beautiful quilt and beautiful fam!! Hope you have a wonderful year!!

  15. I can't tell you how much I love that quilt! It is just so lovely. And you have a wonderful family. Quite a cute picture.

    Leslie S. in MN

  16. Gorgeous!
    Going to have to give this one a whirl - thanks for sharing the info! <3

  17. oh my, your Captain America gives impressive smolder. :-) Love this quilt, and happy birthday!

  18. Your quilt is pretty beyond words and I simply love it! thanks for sharing!

  19. Fabulous and beauriful quilt!! Glad you added the flannel backing and wool batting to make sure it's warm for your sister!

  20. It's gorgeous! I'd like to try wool batting sometime. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

  21. Happy belated birthday! The quilt is beautiful. I've always loved kaleidescope blocks, but it's another of the many I've never gotten around to making. One of these days...

  22. I received an email today (06/19/2019) about this quilt that was originally posted in 2015? Unfortunately, all the links to "Don't call me Betsy" are broken, and the instructions are nowhere to be found. Please help. Love the quilt.


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