Sundown II

A few weeks ago I received an email from someone asking if I would be willing to remake this quilt as a gift for her friend.  I let her know that I don't remake quilts, especially since this was a quilt that I had sold and it is one of a kind, but I let her know that I would be willing to do something similar.

And really I am very busy right now with other projects and should have turned this one down, but as soon as we started talking I got excited about the project.  I asked her what she liked about the quilt and she said that she liked the triangles and she liked the yellow.
sundown II quilt
So I played around in EQ7 a little bit and came up with this.  She also wanted a quote embroidered onto the quilt (it says good times + crazy friends = amazing memories).  After I started doing the embroidery, I immediately wished I hadn't. It is a fun detail, but I don't love how it makes the quilt feel. 

The colors for the quilt top were inspired by one of my favorite, favorite, favorite prints ever, which is from Lizzy House's Natural History collection (available here).  It is AMAZING.  And there are so many different colors in shades in the print that it could be used in a variety of different color schemes.  
sundown II quilt
For the triangles I used the Creative Grids 60 degree ruler (I have the 12 inch, but they make a less expensive ruler that goes up to 8 inches).  It is a little pricey, but I think it is worth the investment.  
sundown II quilt
Finished size: 60" x 70"
Backing: Lizzy House Natural History
Pattern: 60 degree triangles using this ruler

Want to make your own triangle quilt? Pick up this super useful ruler and you can now make triangle in any size up to 12."


  1. Really love what you did here. And your previous quilt too, so simple and beautiful. I have that ruler, I put this on my ever growing to do list :))

  2. This is beautiful. I think I like this color combo even more than the first one (if that's even possible!).

  3. Gorgeous!!! those colors are great with all the shade variations.

  4. Such a beautiful finish! I just love triangle quilts!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Just love this quilt, the colors are scrumptious! I'm in your neck of the woods! N. San Diego county. SO nice to see another serious quilter. Beautiful work, and I especially love the embroidered comment at the bottom of the quilt. Well done!

  7. The layout of this quilt is great - kind of a modern, argyle-y, charlie brown-y shirt thing happening. I'm glad you made it and shared with us, too!


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