Video Chat
We will be doing another video chat this week on Thursday at 1pm PST. Bring your questions about the pattern (or about quilting/patterns in general) or just show up to chat. It has been so much fun!Here is the link to join the chat (remember it won't work until the meeting starts):
You will not need any special supplies for piecing the quilt top, but here are my preferred quilt-top-construction items.- Patchwork pins - these are thin, slightly flexible pins and work really well for pinning seams.
- A quarter inch foot - find one that you like and that works well with your machine. Your sewing machine probably came with a 1/4" foot and it may be great, but sometimes it isn't. I use a Janome MC6600P and the 1/4" foot that it came with is not the best. Janome makes a foot called O2 that is fantastic.
- A good iron - having seams that are pressed well can make a big difference
There are a couple of tips to help you with your piecing. I am going to list them below but then I talk about them a little more in depth with the video.- Look at the diagram for your quilt and notice that the upper left corner of the quilt top has a piece that needs to be centered over the piece it attaches to (on the baby and twin sizes, there is a piece like this in the lower right corner too). Since there isn't a seam to help you line things up, fold your pieces in half and crease them - then line up the creases and pin.
- There are going to be pieces along the edge where you are sewing a smaller piece to a wider piece. It's going to feel a little weird. Line up the bottom edges of the pieces and then piece them together - we will be trimming off the extra fabric later.
- Pin at every seam intersection when you are sewing your rows together. There are only a few places where there will be seam intersections - pinning at each one will help keep things lined up.

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