Hello! Welcome to the Violet Quiltalong! I am glad you have decided to join me in making my Violet Quilt Pattern. This is one of my absolute favorite patterns that I have written because . . .

- It is fat quarter friendly. You can use smaller cuts of fabric if you would like more fabric variety in your quilt (I will most likely be doing this). You just need enough fabric to make a "plus" shape.
- It works with a wide variety of fabric combinations. Notice how the fabrics in the quilt only touch background fabric? Because there is a little space between fabrics, this pattern is very forgiving.
- It looks much harder than it actually is. I love it when you can't quite figure out how a pattern is constructed when you first look at it. This one will make you look good!
So hopefully I have adequately hyped you for the QAL. I'm going to give you a little basic info about the QAL in this post. Tomorrow I will have a post about picking your fabrics for the non-rainbow version and on Tuesday there will be a post about the rainbow version.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What size quilt can I make? Any! If you have been following me for a while you might have noticed that I am a color-outside-the-lines kind of person. I don't like to use strict parameters for . . . anything. So make the baby, lap, or twin size or create whatever size you want.
- I don't have time to participate right now, can I make a quilt later? Yes! All of the information for the QAL will stay right here on the blog. I chose to do it this way instead of through a newsletter to make sure that everyone has access to all of the tips and info in the future.
- How do I sign up? No signups necessary. I would recommend following the #violetqal hashtag on Instagram so that we can all see each other's posts. I will give you some suggestions each week on posts that you can make to actively participate.
- Will there be prizes? Yes! In order to be eligible to win prizes in the QAL, you must be following the sponsors on Instagram and must make at least one IG post a week in the #violetqal hashtag. I will post more info about prizes and sponsors later this week.
- Can I make a queen size version of the quilt? Yes, but I will not be providing instructions to make the pattern larger. It is a little trickier than just adding extra blocks, but it if you are comfortable figuring it out, go for it!
- Is there a coloring sheet for the pattern? Yes! It is a free download in my shop; you can find it here.
- Where will all of the information about the QAL be posted? Here on the blog (and a little on Instagram). If you are a newsletter subscriber, I will send out a post each week with links to that week's blog posts - there won't be any additional info in the newsletter. This will go out at the beginning of each week. I do enjoy posting on Instagram and there will be videos in my stories of me talking about the pattern. If you aren't following me on Instagram, make sure to follow so you don't miss out. I do have a facebook group but facebook has been having a glitch where I can't approve adding anyone to the group. I have been in contact with facebook about this and am hoping it will be resolved soon - if you want to join in there as well, that is a great place to post photos and ask questions.
- Where do I get the pattern? Right here!
- Will you be doing another QAL this year? I hope so! I really enjoy doing them, but they are incredibly time consuming. Right now all 3 of my kids are still distance learning and it makes my schedule very limited. I have a pattern that I am releasing in May that I think would be perfect for QAL so fingers crossed!
Stay tuned tomorrow - I love, love, love picking fabrics for quilts and I am going to walk you through some tips that should help you along.
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