A couple of weeks ago as I was trimming half square triangles for the Carly Quiltalong, I noticed something distressing - my cutting mat was basically dissolving into dust as I cut. This was a green Olfa mat that I have only had for a couple of years and it was just not holding up to my cutting. I decided to pick up a new mat (I got this one, love it so far, I will do a review once I have used it more) and while I was getting a new cutting mat, I decided to get a new rotary cutter.

I bought the Creative Grids cutter to match the new cutting mat and I have been SO DISAPPOINTED in it. The blade is difficult to extend/retract and the blade guard interferes with cutting. After posting about the issues on Instagram, I asked for advice: which rotary cutter is your favorite? I collected the responses and compiled them into the list below.

Some of these were recommended lots of times (Martelli and Olfa had the most recommendations) and some just a couple, but I wanted to give you the full list because I know not everyone is looking for the same thing. They are listed here in order from the least to most expensive option.

My first rotary cutter that I purchased was a Fiskars and I still use it now for cutting paper (I put a dull blade on it and it works great!). This one looks like a nice update over the mode that I have.
I have never seen anything like this! Several people recommended it and I can imagine that it would be easier on your wrist. Plus, it is pretty inexpensive so I think I am going to give it a try.
This is a great cutter - I actually have a yellow, aqua, and pink one. The blade is easy to change too which is a big bonus for me.
Lots of people recommended this cutter and I have never even heard of it. It looks like it has a nice mechanism for moving the blade.
This one is very similar to the Martelli but looks like it is made of a sturdier plastic.
This is my favorite cutter that I currently own. The only drawback is that it is a little bit annoying to swap out the blade.

I know nothing about this one and it doesn't seem to be carried by very many shops, but several people said they love it.
This looks very similar to the Creative Grids cutter that I purchased, without the drawbacks. I wish I had picked up this one instead.
It's not cheap, but it sure is pretty. I like that the mechanism to open/close the blade is on the handle.
I am hoping to buy at least a couple of these to give them a try - I will keep you updated with what I find out. Do you have a favorite rotary cutter?
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