This post is going to be all about my Warp and Weft Honey version of the Hannah Quilt Pattern. If you have been following me here for a while, you know that I am a big fan of Alexia Abegg's woven prints. So far, I have made two different Hazel quilts (one using the original Warp and Weft and one with the prints that she added) plus a Plaid-ish quilt.

The fabrics are soft and beautiful with a lot of depth to the color. They are a teensy bit more difficult to sew with than regular quilting cotton because (1) they are thinner, (2) they are stretchier, and (3) the fabrics fray much more easily.

Do not let that deter you from sewing with them! They are 100% worth the effort it. They are probably not the best choice for a first sewing project because you might find them frustrating, but if you have some experience, there are some things you can do to help (note: I don't actually do most of these things so you do not have to do them, but they can help with the stretchiness and the fraying).
- Starch your fabrics. This will help the fabrics to stretch less, especially when you are preparing to cut or piece the fabrics together.
- Use fray check. This is a clear liquid that you can apply to the edge of fabric to help keep it from fraying.
- Trim as you go. This is the only one of these tips that I do - as I am making the blocks, I trim extra threads at every step along the way. That helps keep any long pieces from getting pulled.

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