Welcome to Week 3 of the Luna Quiltalong! I hope you now have all of your fabric ready to go and that you have shared it on Instagram using the #lunaqal hashtag. It is fun to go through and comment on each other's posts!

This week we are cutting into our feature fabric. I will have post for you today about cutting your non-scrappy fabric and I will have a second post this week about cutting fabric from scraps. This can be a little daunting if you are a new quilter, but I promise that it gets easier with time.

A few things to remember:
- Measure twice, cut once. Always double check that you are lined up with the correct hash marks on your ruler because it is really easy to be off by a 1/4".
- Press your fabric before cutting, especially if you are using fabric that has been folded. It is less important if you are a using a freshly unwrapped jelly roll like I am using in the video.
- Speaking of jelly rolls, if you would like to avoid using the fold from the middle of the strip (if you know you know — it can be hard to get rid of that crease) I show you how to avoid it in the video.
- Follow the cutting diagrams in the pattern unless you are feeling rebellious. The cutting diagrams will give you good results so I don't recommend taking your own path here!
- Make sure that you have some variety in your fabrics that you will use for your A2/A1 pieces. You are using a limited number of fabrics for these pieces and if you use the same print in 2 colors or the same color of 2 prints, you might not be happy with having to place them next to each other.
If you want to get a head start, you can go ahead and cut your background fabric but we won't officially be doing that until next week.
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