
I have made some small changes around here. You may have noticed that no longer brings you here — it will now take you to a website that has my shop, my blog, and recent Instagram posts. 

The Luna Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

After almost 11 years of blogging, using this particular blog host has become a little cumbersome and it is cutting in on my sewing time. I need to simplify and I hope this simplifies things for you too.

Almost all of the blog posts are now hosted on the new website (I didn't move any posts that are no longer relevant) and the format is much cleaner and easier to read. There are no ads and a lot less clutter. Plus, the search function works better and you can easily sort posts by the year they were written and what they contain. 

Part of simplifying also means that I won't have RSS subscriptions available anymore to my blog. This won't effect too many people and I have moved those subscriptions over to my email list. These emails will keep you updated on my blog and this shouldn't be too much of a change. 

One great change: comments are back. Blogger does not have a great spam filter for comments and I was getting inundated with dozens of really inappropriate spam comments every day. This shouldn't be a problem on the new website (fingers crossed!) so comments are back.

Of course all changes come with their issues — I am sure that there will be links that don't work and Pinterest pins that no longer take you to the right place. I intend to work on fixing these but it will probably take me a long while. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to me and I will do my best to help you!

This will be my very lost post here on my Blogger blog and you can find all future blog posts right here. The good news is that this blog isn't going anywhere — all posts will remain available at

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Unfortunately I have had to turn off commenting due to an overwhelming number of spam posts. If you have any questions, please contact me using the contact form at the top of the page or comment on an Instagram post.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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