WIP Wednesday

It has been a rough week over here.  Everyone but my son has had the flu, and this morning I woke up with a migraine on top of that.  Thank goodness for Excedrin migraine.
But because I haven't been able to leave the house in a week, I have made some good progress on my + and x quilt.
+ and x quilt
When I took this photo I had finished 49 blocks, but I finished 7 more last night so I only have 7 left. Once I finish up those blocks I think I will set this one aside for a little while, I am feeling a little drained.  I have a baby quilt to make and I think it would be nice to work on a smaller project for a little bit.  


  1. I love the colour and movement of this quilt. It is going to be quite something when it is finished. Beautiful.

  2. LOVE THIS! I started one of these a long time ago when they first started popping up on flickr but got as far as making one block and then I just had a million things on my list of things to do. This looks amazing and makes me think I need to pick this one back up.

  3. Hope you feel better! The quilt is looking very nice.

  4. Oh no, you poor girl. For yourself and your family. Ugh. Hope things take a turn for the better soon.

    Your quilt top is going to be gorgeous!

  5. So sorry to hear you and you family have been under the weather. Hope everyone is on the mend. Your quilt is adorable.

  6. Beautiful, this patchwork must make you happy. So colourful! You used nice material and the x + pattern is nice. Huisvlijtigliesje.blogspot.com

  7. I can't believe you can sew when you are sick. Amazing woman.

  8. This is so pretty. I love the block and all your fabrics

  9. Sorry to hear you have been battling the bugs. Your quilt top is looking stunning though! I hear you on wanting a quick small project after something that is a bit of a monster!

  10. Love how your quilt is looking! I have a collection of those blocks from a block swap I did and know I am getting my bee to make me some more!

  11. It's looking great! I hope you are feeling 100% again soon. :)

  12. Your quilt is wonderful! Love it! Hope you feel better soon!

  13. I'm loving this x and + quilt. I've been seeing them all over - I think I might have to give it a try!

  14. That quilt is going to be (already is) quite amazing! Thanks for sharing. Hope everyone in your house feels better very soon.

  15. Ugh, so sorry - as a fellow migraine sufferer, I know your pain! :) I love your version of the x and + quilt!


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