my improv valentine

Head over to the Moda Bake Shop to check my tutorial for this improv Valentine quilt.


  1. It's fantastic! Thanks for sharing a tutorial!

  2. I love the movement in this. Perfect background and quilting too!

  3. oh, this is fantastic, Erica! What an amazing idea!!! Congrats on the feature.

  4. Erica, this is gorgeous! Congrats on the feature!

  5. Erica,
    Great project. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the Moda bake shop followers.

  6. What a great idea!!! It turned out fabulously! :)


  7. I WISH I had seen this sooner. Ugh!!! If I totally dropped everything else, I could do this by Thursday. Ha! That's not going to happen anytime soon. This is just beautiful

  8. Hey, I saw this in MaryJanes Farm magazine; the June-July 2013 issue! Congrats on getting the mention (I love your valentine quilt)!

  9. Since Moda changed their site, I no longer can find this. Is there another source for the tutorial? Thanks so much!

    1. I wish I had a copy I could send you, but I don't. Moda has said they will be adding the old tutorials back to the shop but I don't know when/if that will happen. I'm sorry!


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