bangles quilt

I spent the last few days finishing up my Bangles quilt (pattern is from Sarah Fielke's amazing book).
bangles quilt front
I know I was a little disparaging about the quilt last time, and it certainly isn't an fast and easy quilt to make, but I am glad that I made it and would definitely recommend it.

If you are interested in giving this quilt a try, definitely check out Faith's y-seam tutorial.

I backed the quilt with one of my favorite prints from Lotta Jansdotter's Echo (which I recently got on sale for less than $6/yard from Fabric Shack, though I think I bought the last of it).
bangles quilt back
A couple weeks ago I saw this tutorial about quilting flowers and thought this would be a good time to give it a try.  It was pretty fast, fun, and fairly easy, so I will definitely be using this quilting design again.
bangles quilt closeup
I used pieced batting for this quilt and it was the first time I have used Pellon batting tape to join the batting.  I have tried zig-zagging the pieces together in the past and while it worked out okay, it was kind of pain.  The batting tape was much easier (you just apply it with an iron) and faster.  Hopefully I can make a dent in the giant pile of batting scraps in my closet :)

bangles quilt with backing
This quilt will be going to my niece when she turns 8 in a few months.  If you are have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember that I have been making quilts for my nieces and nephews when they turn 8 (which is the age in my church that kids can be baptized).  My husband's sister had twins and his brother's wife had a baby on the exact same day in 2005, so I have a nephew and 2 nieces turning 8 this year.  I actually already made quilts for the twins (here and here) so I am done ahead of time.  

You can see the quilts I made for my older niece and nephew here and here.  

finished size: about 53x57"


  1. You did an amazing job. Enjoy the results of your labour ; )

  2. Such a cool quilt Erica. Very impressive! The quilting is fun as well.

  3. Gorgeous. Who's the person picking over the top? I ban my kids from peaking when holding!

  4. This is so gorgeous Erica - I'm sure your niece will love it! I love the colours, the backing fabric is fantastic, and the binding is a great contrast to both the front and back. I am definitely going to have to try that quilting some time too!

  5. It´s such a clever pattern. Love the hexie in the hexie. And your quilting is so beautiful!!!

  6. It is so gorgeous! Your niece is so lucky. I love Sarah Fielke's quilts. She is my favorite designer.

  7. Is it all y-seams? It's really gorgeous really pretty colours :)


  8. It's so beautiful! And the quilting looks fantastic. Your niece will love it :)

  9. I just ordered this book yesterday morning. I can't wait for it to arrive. You Bangles quilt turned out just lovely.

  10. I love it!! It's super cute! Sometimes, those quilts that are such a pain to make are often the most rewarding when they're finished. Also - how cool is that that the kids get a quilt for their 8th birthday?! It's a great tradition! Happy Monday!

  11. This Is such a great design! What a neat idea to do quilts when the kids get baptized

  12. Wow, that is seriously beautiful! I wish I were the lucky little girl getting it! The colors you paired together are so sweet and fresh. Great job!

  13. Fabulous!
    This turned out wonderfully--so glad we get to see the final version of it. I've been trying to weld together a lot of my batting scraps, too. I was going to go and get that tape stuff, then ran out of time and energy, so ended up used a "stitched" zig-zag, like we used to in college in our Clothing Textile classes, to join the pieces together (also cut it in a wavy seam). I was pretty happy with it, but hope to try the tape stuff soon. I think batting scraps multiply in the night in our closets!

    Elizabeth E.

  14. It's stunning and lovely to see some glimpses of Field Study in there!

  15. Absolutely gorgeous, i love it! The more i see of the quilts from this book, the more i "need" it!!

  16. it's beautiful! ♥ I love this design and love all your fabric choices too!

  17. I love this quilt! And I love how you used the architextures crosshatch as the centers. So great! So cheerful :)

  18. This is stunning. I jus t got this book a couple of days ago and I seriously love everything in it. I just love your colors


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