wip wednesday

1.  I spent the majority of the past week working on my most recent work in progress, the Bangles quilt from Sarah Fielke's great new book.  This quilt may look sweet and innocent, but it is a bit of a beast. There are so many y-seams it is getting a little draining, but I do really appreciate the practice and now that I am getting close to finishing the quilt top, I am actually enjoying piecing the blocks together.  It is just a little slow and tedious.

Please forgive this terribly grainy photo I took with my phone last night.
When I finish working on a quilt I like to ask myself whether or not I would consider making the quilt again, and I definitely still feel like I would make another one of these so I guess it hasn't been too bad :)  I do appreciate that it is on the smaller size for a lap quilt, the finished size is 53.5x57.5".  It is for my soon-to-be-8-year-old niece so I think the size will be perfect.  

2.  Maple Leaf Rag quilt.  I probably won't share any more photos of this one until I am done hand quilting.  Progress was made, though not much.  

3.  I haven't actually started this, but my daughter has requested that I make her a birthday crown.  She will be 5 on Monday and I have never seen someone so excited about something :)

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.  


  1. Wow is all I can say...and how much time involved...so lovely!

  2. Looks like a lot of work. Great colour choices.

  3. That quilt is going to be super cool. I love the variety of colours.

  4. It'll be worth the effort! The colors are great too!

  5. Wonderful! You are so brave to tackle this project!

  6. Beautiful quilt...I'm sure it will be worth the effort! It looks so pretty already :) Good luck with the crown!

  7. You have made another beautiful quilt. From my point of view it was worth the Y seam grief.

  8. That's a lot of Y seams. Good on you for sticking with it ; )

  9. Your Bangles quilt just gets more and more beautiful :)

  10. Yep. I'm in love with this Bangles quilt, even if it is a cellphone photo. Y-seams are a pain, but bravo to you for powering through.

    We're neighbors--I live in Riverside. When one of my IG friends posted a picture of her porch in Wisconsin with 6" of snow on her patio table, I didn't have the heart to tell her that we had our windows open all day and it was going to hit 80 degrees. Of course, come September when we're scorching and burning up from fires, they'll be having lovely fall weather.

    Anyway--I've added you to my Bloglovin' list and look forward to seeing more of your work.

    Elizabeth E.


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