Diamond Flower Pillow with Pattern

Sorry if you are sick of seeing my attempts at creating a paper pieced pattern, but I promise this is the last time you will have to see this block :)  Well, probably.
diamond flower quilt block
I finally got the kinks worked out and was able to make the block look like the idea in my head.  I turned the block into a pillow for my daughter.
diamond star pillow front
She loves that mirror ball print.  I think she would be happy if we could just cover her entire room with it.
diamond star pillow back
And I backed it with this great Ann Kelle ballerina print that I picked up from the Fat Quarter Shop.  She makes the best kids prints.  I love that brunette ballerina with the glasses.  

I thought I would make the pattern available for download in case anyone was interested.

The layout of the blocks should look like this:
I bought an Ann Kelle robot print to make a similar pillow for my son, but he doesn't want a flower so I am hoping to get some more practice creating paper piecing patterns :)


  1. Oh no, you just showed me a robot print that I don't have yet! I have been collecting Robot/space fabrics for like a year now to get the 70 fat quarters I need to make my twins bed quilts. I'm almost there...I need abour 20-ish more. Guess It's time to do some more online shopping! :)

  2. Adorable Erica. The mirror dots are perfect for a little girl.

  3. I shall be downloading and doing at some point! Thanks v much.

  4. really lovely, Erica. This block is so pretty, and the pillow is just perfect for your little girl.

  5. I am so glad you are sharing your successful pattern because I LOVE IT, also! It might just make the 2014 graduation quilt list.
    Thank you!

  6. cute pillow and love the pattern!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  7. I'm so glad you got your flower pattern to work out - it looks great! I love that mirror ball dot fabric too - your daughter has good taste. And as someone else says, she really looks like you in this photo.

  8. I have never really paper pieced, but I think this block is wonderful! P.S. I'm 40 and I think I'd cover my room in Mirrorball Dots.

  9. What a cute pillow!! She looks so proud it!

  10. I love how it turned out! I've been wanting to try my hand at creating my own PP pattern but I'm not tech savvy so I'll just stick to using everyone else's!!! Great job!!!!

  11. Looks fantastic! Glad you got it to work out for you! And your daughter sure looks happy about it!

  12. It looks fab, love the mirror ball dots, just waiting for mine to make it through customs! :o)

  13. Love it -- great job on the pattern!

  14. Congratulations on your pattern, it sure is not easy creating that first one. A great idea and that mirror ball fabric is perfect :-)

  15. You totally figured it out! Way to go. And now the next one will be so much easier!

  16. thank you for the pattern. I really love paper piecing and my baby girls like to tear away the papers. so it keeps everyone busy and gets them involved. quilting is fun for the whole family. !!

  17. I just found your blog today, specifically the flower pillow page. I love paper piecing and would love the make this pillow. I'm having trouble downloading the templates. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.


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