I thought I would make a post talking about the differences in piecing between the pattern as-written and the fat quarter friendly version. Note: if you have purchased the pattern, you can get a copy of the fat quarter friendly instructions by signing up here - an email with links to all of the QAL emails will be sent to you. The instructions are in the "Week 2" email.

In the pattern as written, you construct a large block and then cut it into quarters. This is quicker and (I think) much more enjoyable so that is why the pattern is written that way. You can go ahead and cut your blocks into quarters or wait until we reach that section of the QAL. I will have a video for you!
For the fat quarter friendly version, we will make 4 smaller blocks. This requires more initial cutting since we start with smaller pieces and the piecing takes a little bit longer, but they can be made with fat quarters for Fabric A, B, and C.
If you are wondering about pressing your fabrics, I just posted a video on Instagram. As I discuss in the video, you can press your seams open or to the side. If you press to the side, you will not have any nesting seams (because there aren't any seams to nest!). I prefer to press mine open and I demonstrate how I do that in the video and discuss some tips for getting better results.
So now the big question - what do you do if your block ends up too small? Most likely that means that you are using a 1/4" seam allowance and not a scant 1/4" seam allowance (more info in this post).
We will discuss what to do a little more about what to do in week 5 but for now let me just say that it will be ok! You might need to trim your short sashing pieces a little bit but you can still make a beautiful quilt and I will discuss how to make adjustments later in the QAL. The more important issue is that your blocks are the same size so if you have already started making your blocks, don't adjust your seam allowance at this point.
I have another video about pinning that I will be posting on Instagram tomorrow and all of the info will be linked in the email that goes out on Friday. Have a great week of piecing and make sure to post a progress shot on Instagram!
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