wip wednesday

It has been a good week.  I am loving working on my Maple Leaf Rag quilt and I made some good progress on that project in addition to finishing two pillows for the Intrepid Thread Scrap Challenge.  Sadly, this project is going to have to go on hold for a little bit because I have 3 baby quilts to make.  Apparently everyone is having babies!  One is for my sister, one that another sister asked me to make for her best friend, and one for a friend whose little newborn is in the hospital for at least a couple months with a severe infection.
maple leaf rag quilt progress
I am further on this quilt than I thought, so I only have two and a half more rows yet. 

Other projects that I need to get going:
  • 3 baby quilts
  • I volunteered to make a tote bag for a youth auction at church, so I am planning on making one of these.  I have about a month to finish that one up.
  • I really want to make my daughter's Easter dress this year, but I didn't realize how early Easter is so it may not happen.  A couple months ago I bought this pattern so hopefully I can find some time to work on it!
Also, if you are going to be at QuiltCon this week, my Posy quilt is going to be in the Moda Bakeshop Booth so keep an eye out for it!


  1. It is looking really good!

    I have that so often with big projects - they get put on hold for a 'little something for so and so...' and before I know it 6 months has passed... Hope you don't have to wait that long - this is going to be beautiful!

  2. Wow those blocks look really good, visiting fro Freshly Pieced

  3. I love this! It's so scrappy and fabulous! Can't wait to see it finished :)

  4. That's really pretty! I like your profile description "buyer of much fabric" LOL!

  5. Still in love with it. Still going so much faster than I expected. Maybe I will put this on the list for one of my next projects :)

  6. I love the colors of your beautiful quilt blocks!

  7. Love your quilt in progress, the colors and scrappiness are great!


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